Managing Stress in Dentistry: Practical Tips and Strategies | Steve Adams | The Dental Brief #216

June 22, 2023 • 16 minutes

We are joined by Steve Adams to discuss Managing Stress in Dentistry: Practical Tips and Strategies and more!

Steve Adams, founder of The Tiger Medical Institute and co-creator of The Tiger Medical System for life-enhancing health, energy, and peak performance, and author of “Patient Number One?”.

Here’s what he knows about himself… He has given his whole life to others. Sure, he’s successful, reasonably well paid, feels grateful, and considers that he’s living a great life, all thanks to his hard work, sacrifice, and putting everyone else first from the time he opened his business or practice to now.

Sometimes he wonders and feels like it just might be killing him in the process.

Here are the facts. Stress kills. Bad habits kill. An unhealthy routine kills. Long hours kill. Negative energy kills.

He knows this because he was just like himself. He thought the way to his hopes, dreams, and goals was through harder work at the mercy and compromise of his health. His intention was to give everything he could to his family, but instead, he almost lost it all.

All because he had let himself go. His health suffered. He was putting his business, his employees, and his customers before himself.

Then the most miraculous thing happened. He discovered the way to have it all by becoming PATIENT NUMBER ONE himself. And that’s when everything turned around.

Since that time, he has set out on a mission to give back, a quest to make a difference, and a determined commitment to share what he’s learned and help others.

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