Double your Dental Production Overnight | Dr. Amanda Wilson | The Dental Brief #134

February 18, 2022 • 16 minutes

Amanda Wilson
StraightSmile Solutions
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Dr. Amanda Wilson is a native of San Francisco. Dr. Wilson obtained her dental education from UCSF Dental School, and her Masters of Dental Science and Orthodontics Certification at the University of Connecticut. Today Dr. Wilson discusses strategies to double your dental production.

She practiced clinically for ten years in the San Francisco Bay Area. During that time Dr. Wilson completed thousands of orthodontic cases, both fixed and removable. Following her calling to to teach and mentor, she eventually transitioned into corporate dentistry. Dr. Wilson has worked the last few years as a Dental Director and a Consultant, to both national and international orthodontic companies. Furthermore Dr. Wilson has an emphasis on early treatment, functional appliances, aligners and tele-dentistry.

In 2016, recognizing the lack of orthodontic coaching services that cater directly to General Dentists, she became passionate about filling this space and founded her own orthodontic management and coaching company, StraightSmile Solutions®.

Currently, Dr. Amanda resides with her family in Honolulu, Hawaii but she travels often both nationally and internationally to meet with her clients and teams. Also, she enjoys surfing and hiking and is a Cadette Girl Scout Leader and USA Swimming Official.

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