Building a Dental Team: Secrets to Attracting and Retaining Top Talent | Ella Mullokandoa

February 13, 2024 • 17 minutes

We are joined by Ella Mullokandoa to discuss Building a Dental Team: Secrets to Attracting and Retaining Top Talent and more!

Ella Mullokandova is a dedicated dental hygienist with over 20 years of experience in the field. Throughout her career, she has developed a deep passion for both the science behind dentistry and the opportunity to help people improve their oral health. Recognizing the disconnect and challenges faced by dental professionals, Ella co-founded Converge Dental, a company aimed at simplifying and streamlining practice operations.

Having worked closely with doctors to build successful practices, Ella understands the burden and burnout experienced by both practitioners and their team members. With Converge Dental, she seeks to alleviate these challenges by providing comprehensive solutions that allow doctors to focus on their true passion, dentistry. By taking care of practice management and team leadership, Converge Dental empowers doctors to create thriving practices that prioritize patient care.

Ella Mullokandova’s expertise and dedication to improving the dental profession make her a valuable asset in the field. Her efforts with Converge Dental demonstrate her commitment to making a positive impact on dental practices worldwide.

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